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page ouverte le 28 décembre 2004 forum de discussion

* forum du site Marikavel : Academia Celtica

dernière mise à jour 08/10/2009 13:41:41

Définition : commune du Pays de Galles, en Glamorgan. Autrefois le fort romain LEUCARUM.


Extrait de la carte Ordnance Survey : Map of Roman Britain.

LEUCARUM ? / Loughor est marquée par le point bleu, sur et souligné de rouge, à l'ouest de NIDUM / Nearth.

* Wales Tourist Board. South Wales. 1976: 

"Loughor : The large village of Loughor stands on a strategic Crossing of the river Loughor, an extension deep inland of the bay that washes the north coast of Gower Peninsula. The earliest settlement to capitalise on the ford was of Roman origin and the camp they set up on the river's east bank they called Leucarum. This we know from milestones and tables of the distances between camps that have come down to us from Roman times. Roman coins were found here at the end of last century, as were tile fragments and part of a bath System. This Ist or early 2nd century occupation was followed in due course by a Norman castle, Castell Llwchwr, the mound and remains of which exist still. At the present time crossings are made by the rail bridge or the road bridge close to it and just below the old ford. The road bridge is a popular sea angling spot with local fishermen".



a) Rivet & Smith, p 388-389 :

-  Itinéraire d'Antonin, 4841 (Iter XII) : LEUCARO.

DERIVATION. This name, basically that of a river *Leucara transferred to a fort on its banks with change of declension, consists of british *leuco- (as in the previous entry) with the *-ar(a) suffix. Evidently the Welsh river which is now the Loughor had two slightly different names, Leuca (previous entry) recorded by Ravenna, and *Leucara whose fort Leucarum was recorded by AL Watson CPNS 433 and Jackson in JRS, XXXVIII (1948), 57, associate with this the Ayrshire river Lugar, frorn an identical *Leucara.

A problem of Celtic phonology is pointed out by Williams and by Jackson in JRS, XXXVIII (1948), 57: Williams notes that Loughor is in Welsh Casllwchwr, whose -ch- demands original -cc-, that is *Luccarum; Jackson, who spells Llychwr, agrees that this cannot come from *Leucara, for this would have given Welsh *Llugar, concluding that ' The name Loughor can hardly be the same.. . The likeness must be due to a coïncidence.' But with names so nearly identical in the same area, it would surely be better to assume some disturbance of the normal phonetic process, perhaps by analogy, folk-etymology or the like?

The *-ar(a) suffix occurs in British Leucarum, Lutudarum, Nabarus, Tamarus, possibly Metaris, Varar, and widely abroad. It has long been recognised as a river- or water-suffix, and much studied. A recent summary is that of Dauzat TF 131-41. He finds that Ar- exists as a root, doubled evidently to mean 'great river' (Ar-ar), with suffixes, compounded with other elements, and as a suffix itself. 'Ce suffixe a vécu longtemps en Gaule, où il était très vivant à l'époque gauloise, comme le prouvent certaines formations avec des radicaux celtiques (Artara, Candara, Isara, Leucara, Samara)' (TF 139); but finally, in view of its antiquity and great extension, ' Ar- est bien une base hydronymique pré-indo-européenne ' (TF 141). As a suffix at any rate in Latin usage, and hence presumably in Gaulish
and British, *-ar(a) had short -a- and was unstressed, hence Nabarus > Naver, etc. See also F. G. Diack in RC, XXXVIII (1920-21), 116-18.

IDENTIFICATION. Probably the Roman fort at Loughor, Glamorgan (SS 5697); but see p. 174.


Pour l'analyse toponymique, voir la rivière  Loughor / LEUCA, à l'embouchure de laquelle se trouve LEUCARUM / Loughor.


- A.L.F RIVET & Colin SMITH : The Place-names of Roman Britain. B.T Batsford Ltd. London. 1982.

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