Encyclopédie Marikavel-Jean-Claude-EVEN/Encyclopaedia/Enciclopedia/Enzyklopädie/egkuklopaideia
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Ile de Man Manavia (?) |
page ouverte le 22.04.2004 | ![]() |
forum de discussion
* forum du site Marikavel : Academia Celtica |
dernière mise à jour 14/01/2010 13:15:52 |
Définition : île
britannique située entre l'Angleterre / Écosse à l'est et l'Irlande à
Chef-lieu : Castleton (cf. DUHG. 1863) superficie : 570 km2; population : 42 000 hab. en 1863; 48 200 hab. en 1979; |
Extrait de la carte Ordnance Survey : Map of Roman Britain. |
Extrait de la carte Michelin 986 : Great Britain . Ireland. 1 / 1 000 000 |
Extrait de la carte Michelin 986 : Great Britain . Ireland. 1 / 1 000 000 |
Histoire : * DUHG (1863) : "Possédée longtemps par les comtes de Derby, puis par les ducs d'Athol; achetée en 1765 par le gouvernement anglais, qui chassa les contrebandiers dont elle était infestée". |
Étymologie :
* DUHG. 1863 : "Monabia ou Menavia". * Rivet & Smith, p 410 : - Pline, NH IV,103 : MONAPIA; - Ptolémée, II,2,10 : Monaoeda ( = MONAOEDA), variante Monarina ( = MONARINA). - Ravenna, 10819 : MANAVI - Orose, I,2,82 : MEVANIA - Julius Honorius, 16 : MEVANIA; variantes : MEBANIA, MEUBANIA; - Jordanes, 1,8 : MEVANIA; variante EVANIA. There are numerous problems here. At least all the sources refer to
the Isle of Man (but see Bede, below). Pliny places the islind with others inter
Hiberniam ac Britanniam. The ancien name is usually cited as Monapia, following Pliny, apparently from
the feeling that since his record is the earliest it is the most likely to be correct.
But Holder II. 621, in a note which seems to have been overlooked, already
suggested that Pliny's form should be corrected to *Manavia, and this
- as Jackson LHEB 376 confirms - is proper, for the Middle Welsh name for Man,
Manau, demands either *Manauia or *Manaua as its British
etymon (the first of these is to be preferred, in view of the frequency of
the -ia termination in the sources). Ptolemy's entry also requires correction; Millier
recognised it as corrupt and suggested dut the proper form should be *Movaoua
(= *Monava). Ravenna, against custom, has a nearly correct form of the
name, but errs in placing it among its diversa loca, which as a group was thought by R&C to include tribal meeting-places, of which this was
one : 'Presumably connected with Manau Guotodin [Nennius], the district at
the head of the Firth of Forth", with a reference to Watson CPNS 103-104; and perhaps following
J. Loth. "Les deux Mano irlandais et les deux Manau Brittons',
RC, LI (1934), I85-95. This was taken further by, K. A. Steer in Richmond (éd.),
Roman and native in North Britain (1958), 107 : '.. .Since well-known megalithic monuments would obviously provide
convenient focal points for tribal gatherings, it istempring to suggest that
Manavi, which is linked with Manau, the district at the head of
the Firth of Forth, was located in the vicinity of the Clack Mannan, or stone of
Manau, which originally stood not far from its present position in the
centre of The remaining sources form a group. Presumably it was Orosius or an early copyist who wrote Mevania with scribal metathesis of n-v, and he was followed by Julius Honorius and Jordanes; also by Bede, who is known to have used Orosius as a source, when he writes (II, 5) that Edwin Mevanias Brettonum insulas, quae inter Hiberniam et Brittaniam sitae sunt, Anglorum subiecit imperio (the note about position coming from Pliny). Bede is the only writer to use the name as a plural. presumably for Anglesey + Man jointly. In looking back at this tangled story, and considering the variant of Julius Honorius in particular, one can see how Pliny's erroneous form arose : *Manavia with b for v in some carly text, and then perhaps p for b a little later, giving *Manapia, with the first a still later miscopied as o, Monapia. DERIVATION : While Monapia was taken seriously, it was tempting to connect the name with the Manapia ( = Manapia) polis of the Manapoi ( = Manapii) people of Ireland (Ptolemy, II,2,7, etc), and these with the Manapioi ( = Menapii) of Gallia Belgica (Ptolemy, II,9,5, etc), as does Watson CPNS 104. However, if whe take Manavia, the name seems to be simply *man-, a variant of *mon-, with suffix similar to *-aua (see ABALLAVA); hence there is indeed an association with Mona (Anglesey) and some logic in Bede's use of the plural name. The sens is 'mountain island' or 'high island'; see also Jackson, etc., above.--------------------- - en Moyen-gallois : Manau. |
Sources :
- Larousse : Petit dictionnaire illustré. 1979. - Eilert Ekwall : The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English place-names. Clarendon Press. fourth edition, 1980. - Ordnance Survey : Map of Roman Britain. * ALF RIVET & Colin SMTH : The Place-Names of Roman Britain. Batsford Ltd. London. 1979. - Michelin. carte n°986 : Great Britain. Ireland. 18ème édition. 2000. site Internet : www.michelin-travel.com |
Autres liens et sites traitant de l'Ile de Man : * forum du site Marikavel : Academia Celtica hast buan, ma mignonig go fast, my little friend |
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