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La rivière Nith
page ouverte le 17/03/2008 | forum de
* forum du site Marikavel : Academia Celtica |
dernière mise à jour 17/03/2008 13:36:11 |
Définition : rivière d'Écosse, dans les comtés de
La rivière Nith est localisée par le trait bleu clair. |
ii Extrait d'Ordnance Survey : Map of Roman Britain. Les points verts localisent des sources des tributaires de la Nith, et le bassin de celle-ci. |
Etymologie : * Rivet & Smith, 428
: - Ptolemy II, 3, 2 : Noouiou potamou ekbolai (= NOVII FLUVII OSTIA) - Ravenna 10818 (= R&C 230) : PANOVIUS, var. PANONIUS - Ravenna 10832 (=R&C 253) : NOVITIA, var. NOVICIA It seems probable that these are to be equated. Ravenna's entry at
10818 is in the group of diversa loca, and was hence
thought by R&C to represent a tribal meeting-place. However, one other DERIVATION. The name is precisely as in NOVI A. Watson CPNS 54-55 assesses the possibility that the modem name Nith derives from Novius; this seems likely, though 'one cannot be certain, as the name has passed from British through Welsh into Gaelic and thence into English'. IDENTIFICATION. The river Nith, Dumfriesshire. ***** |
Bibliographie :
* A.L.F Rivet & Colin Smith : The Place-Names of Roman Britain. B.T Batsford Ltd. London. 1979. Edition 1982. |
Autres liens traitant de la Nith / Novius : * forum du site Marikavel : Academia Celtica hast buan, ma mignonig vas vite, mon petit ami go fast, my little friend |