Encyclopédie Marikavel-Jean-Claude-EVEN/Encyclopaedia/Enciclopedia/Enzyklopädie/egkuklopaideia

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Noviomagus Regnensium



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* forum du site Marikavel : Academia Celtica

dernière mise à jour 27/01/2010 13:06:02

Définition : ville d'Angleterre; comté de Sussex, sur la rivière Lovente.

Ville devenue capitale de la tribu britto-romaine des Regni (-enses).


Extrait de : Map of Roman Britain; Ordnance Survey.

Histoire :



* ASC : 894/895 : "Soon after this, in this year, the host moved from the Wirral into Wales; they were unable to remain because they had been deprived of both the cattle and corn which had been plundered. Then again they moved from Wales with the plunder they had taken there, marching across Northumbria and East Anglia so that the levies were unable to get at them, until they reached East Sussex, on an island out at sea called Mersea. When the host which had besieged Exeter sailed back on its way home, it harried inland in Sussex near Chichester, but the garrison put them to flight and slew many hundred of them, capturing some of their ships". 




Étymologie :

A. Noviomagus.

* Rivet & Smith, p 427 : 

- Ptolémée, I,15,7 : Noiomagon ( = NOEOMAGUM)

- Ptolémée, II,3,13 : Noiomagos ( = NOEOMAGUS), une ville des Regnoi ( = REGNI).

- Ravenna, 10617 : NOVIOMAGNO

- Ravenna, 10620 : NAVIMAGO REGENTIUM.


Explication : Ville neuve de marché (pour la tribu des Regnenses).


B. Chichester :

* E. Ekwall : Cisseceaster 895 ASC; c. 930 Laws; Cicestre DB.

Ce nom dérive de celui du personnage Cissa, chef saxon fils de Aelli. 

* A.D Mills : même réponse qu'Ekwall, plus : " alternatively, the first element could be an Old english word *cisse (genitive -an) 'a gravelly feature' ".


* Eilert EKWALL : The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place-names. Clarendon Press. Oxford. 1936 / 1980.

* G.N GARMONSWAY : The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Everyman's Library. London. 1953. Édition 1984.

* ALF RIVET & Colin SMITH : The Place-Names of Roman Britain. Batsford Ltd. London. 1979. Édition 1982.

* A.D MILLS : Oxford Dictionary of British Place Names. Oxford University Press. 1991. Édition 2003.

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* forum du site Marikavel : Academia Celtica


hast buan, ma mignonig vas vite, mon petit ami

go fast, my little friend

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